Male and female sides of the body

In the field of personal development, there is a widespread and often repeated half-truth that the right side of the body represents male aspects and the left side of the body represents female aspects. This information DOES NOT apply to all. It is valid only for right-handed people. The male and female body sides are for the left-handed people in mirrored positions to right-handed people.

This is logically based on the hemisphere distribution principle and the hemispheres’ cross connection with each side of the body.

For both – right-handed and left-handed the following applies:

  • the dominant hemisphere exhibits masculine qualities
  • the creative hemisphere exhibits feminine qualities

Due to the reason that left-handed people’s hemispheres are mirrored in reverse to right-handed people, the male and female qualities of the body sides are also mirrored.

LEFT-HANDED male and female
Left side of body = masculine = dominant = yang
Right side of body = feminine = creative = other

RIGHT-HANDED male and female:
Right side of body = masculine = dominant = yang
Left side of body = feminine = creative = other

It doesn’t matter if the person is female or male.

Another widespread myth is that someone can be right-handed and left-footed at the same time. In principle, it is impossible to have an arm and a leg on one side of the body with different qualities. It is always the whole half of the body that is dominant and the whole half of the body that is creative (crossing the border is at eyebrow level).

Yet, another myth is the often-misinterpreted information that the dominant side of the body is the one with which we do a specific activity, and the fact that the activity in question is not necessarily taught to a specific side of the body, is not taken into account.

You may argue that some people use their bodies in this disharmony. This may be because they were forced to write with their right hand. After all, it is highly emphasized and required in society. During their lives, they have discovered that they enjoy certain activities more with their left leg/hand, so they do them with their left leg/hand, especially when not much social pressure was experienced (e.g. holding the phone to their ear).

People who do not live in their correct laterality can perceive energetic chaos in the perception of the male and female sides of the body within themselves. A typical perception is that the inner “man” is weak and gentle, and the inner “woman” is hard and strong. It can also be a feeling that these two qualities are separate and do not work together.

During therapies and treatments, misinterpretations can arise as to which quality (parent, ancestor) the matter is associated with. Coming from the principle of laterality, as discovered and verified by Karl Grunick, the following applies:

  • The male side shows masculine qualities and may be related to male ancestors (right for right-handers, left for left-handers).
  • The female side shows feminine qualities and may be related to female ancestors (left in right-handed, right in left-handed).

For example: Which side of the body should we associate pain in the right shoulder – the father’s or the mother’s side? We have several possible results (consideration only from the point of view of male/female quality and laterality):

  1. The person is right-handed = the pain may be related to a masculine quality.
  2. The person is left-handed = the pain may be related to the feminine quality.
  3. The person is hidden left-handed = being told that it may be related to the male quality, but in fact, it may be related to the female quality.
  4. The person is an undetected left-handed person at an advanced age, in which overloading of the right side of the body begins to manifest = the pain is not related to any quality. It is a result of not living the correct laterality.

As far as I know, New Germanic medicine is the only one that provides an expanded view of these causes. It is positive that New Germanic medicine distinguishes whether the person is left-handed or right-handed when diagnosing the causes. However, if the laterality is incorrectly determined, the treatment may not be effective.

Why is it not known?

… well, it is known… it is just not universally used. Rather, these random occasional rules that have been discovered based on empirical findings are used.

Let’s take the application of injections as an example. Where is the injection applied? Or from which hand is the blood taken? Mostly (automatically) it is taken from the left hand and applied to the left side of the body. The nurse may sometimes check which vein is better, or even asks if the person in question is left-handed or right-handed. When the answer is right-handed, the left side of his body is used. When the answer is left-handed the right body side is used. This is in harmony with the principle of laterality. The reaction of the dominant side of the body to injections and vaccinations tends to be stronger than that of the creative side.


The minimum recommendations for the interpretation of difficulties in connection with the male or female qualities (see above), which should be followed, are listed here:

  • Differentiate according to laterality the connection of the sides of the body with the male and female qualities – left-handed and right-handed in a mirrored fashion.
  • Verify the correct laterality of the person before diagnosis and do not rely on their claim that they write with their right hand and are therefore right-handed.
  • Not everything is related to masculine and feminine qualities.

All the above-mentioned principles are experienced and tested by the participants at the Left-handedness and Right-handedness seminar. Only when the knowledge of the principle and our own body experiences are implemented simultaneously in our system, only then this understanding is available at any time in life.

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